Rules of the Game

Rules of the Game

BASIC RULES Rules can be complicated and confusing. We've narrowed it down to the top 11 that will help you know about the game without being overwhelmed. Every participant in a USBC-certified league must purchase USBC membership. A legal delivery is made when the ball leaves the bowler's possession and crosses the foul line into playing territory. A foul occurs when a part of the player's body encroaches on or goes beyond the foul line and touches any part of the lane, equipment or building during a delivery. The resulting pinfall does not count when a ball leaves the lane…
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Generating Hook

Generating Hook

Throwing a house ball straight down the lane and knocking over a few pins has been great but if you want to really improve, you may need to change the ball you use and how you hold it if you want to see greater pin action, especially with carrying corner pins. Changing the ball means stepping away from the house ball - those are the balls at the centers, which are made of plastic - and getting your own reactive or urethane ball. You’ll want to stop into your local pro shop for this, who will ask you about how…
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Oil Patterns

Oil Patterns

The house pattern is the standard oil pattern you'll find in any bowling center. While it might vary slightly from house to house, the general idea is the same: more oil in the middle and less on the outside (between the 10 board and gutter).
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